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Planning Your Solar System Road Trip

1: Planning your Solar System Road Trip - How to get from here to there...

2: Warning

3: Getting off the earth - What does it take?

4: Change in velocity

5: Specific Impulse (ISP)

6: Ideal Rocket Equation -

7: Ideal Rocket Equation - (simplified)


9: The Falcon 9 First Stage

10: SLS Core stage


12: Single Stage To Orbit

13: Falcon 9 Second stage

14: The Falcon 9 first stage revisited

15: Time for a trip

16: Delta V map of the solar system.

17: To the moon - To get 5660 m/s of delta V, a 10,000 kg spacecraft has a dry weight of only 1570 kg - - And that's just getting there. - - With the help of the third stage, we can now get 45% of our weight to the lunar surface.

18: Coming Home - A 10000 kg spacecraft can only weigh 83 kg to generate 14660 m/s - This is obvious a non-starter

19: NOVA

20: Lunar orbit rendezvous - LEM on descent was 54% fuel, about 2,500 m/s delta V - LEM on ascent was 50% fuel, about 2,000 m/s delta V


22: Earth

23: Other destinations (from LEO)

24: Gravity assist


26: Parker Solar Probe

27: Orbital Refueling

28: Geosynchronous Orbit

29: Geosynchronous Orbit


31: Questions